One of the essential tools you need if you own a business is a good website; it is a great way to get clients and customers. How can you tell what distinguishes a good website from a bad one or a good one from a great one? Below are the ten essential items your website requires and will need.

Navigation on the Website

Viewers should know where they are on the website and have simple access to where they might want to be. Moreover, a website design should be easy to interpret as sometimes it may be confusing to some users, so it should be easy to navigate, and users can access all menu items from any page. An introduction to a site map can be beneficial. This idea might come as easy, but many websites lack in this part of the area. Functionality should be the main priority for everyone, but this should always be kept in mind that there is a fragile line between an interactive menu and one irritating one.

Visual design and Hierarchy

Using high graphics in a website is a great way to make the look of the website more engaging to users as people are visually oriented creatures. Mostly every website has a second to make a good impression on a customer or a client and gives a summary of yourself and your business (how trustworthy and professional you are). The usage of scrolling text, animation, and flash intros should be used carefully in your web design as it is essential not to go to certain extremes with them; users can use them to highlight a point for the most effect.


Content plays a crucial role in the position of your website in the search engine, and primarily because of your content, people are after your website, so we can easily say that content is the back of your website. To make your web design more appealing, it is vital to have well-calculated and sensible web content and ensure your website text is coherent, informative, and short.

Web Visibility

It is easy to make a website design more engaging and lovely, but it is pointless unless it is web friendly. A web designer should know how to work around it, as many things can damage your search engine placement and site’s visual appearance. Utilization of Meta tags and alt tags which are fully versed in SEO (Search Engine Optimization), are some essential things that your web designer should know so that the website can work and perform on all the significant browsers present.

User Experience

An excellent way to get attention from the user through every page is to have a good website design it attracts the user even more and then, later on, convinces them to contact you. This should be one of the main objectives for your website, and this method is called “conversion”. Moreover, the amount of interaction should at no time outweigh the benefit. As already explained, there is a thin line between interaction and annoyance.  

Easy Access to Information

Sometimes a visitor requires a simple phone number or an address, so it is essential to keep the main elements in a simple site in an area that is easily accessible, as all visitors don’t have enough time to look through every bit of the page just for some crucial information. Everyone gets annoyed when they cannot find the data, and we have all had this experience. In the end, the result is an annoyed, frustrated visitor leaving your website and will likely go with the intention of not coming back and much less contacting you or doing business with you.

Higher Cognitive Load

Arranging the elements in a perfect way that makes logic is crucial. Moreover, it performs the actions before. What the visitor is already thinking is one of the qualities of a great website. Each thing listed on your website should have a landing page relevant to what the visitor searched for on the search engine or directory. As mentioned before, making them filter through all information will likely result in a frustrated visitor. We must keep this point in mind while designing a website.

Creating a Brand Identity

A website is a direct reflection of you and your business. It tells everything about you, and through your logos, print material and brick and mortar location, a visitor should quickly make a visual connection. Doing all this adds a layer of credibility and an enhanced image to your overall business and contributes to your company’s branding memorability.

Quick Turnarounds

One thing to remember is that every firm takes a long time to complete your website, which has now become a completely normal thing. This is the number one complaint for every design customer from business owners. So this thing should be kept in the back of the head for every business owner that a website will take time. Of course, the longer it takes for a website to start running, the more business and value you lose daily. A website that is not present on the web or is not working properly will not give profit to anyone.

High Lead Conversions

In other words, we can call a website a client generator. Its main goal should be to bring in more clients, provide new and fascinating services to existing clients, and make these services available through increased awareness of all the services you provide. If you want to increase your website conversion, one of the best ways is to deliver the tools they need to perform business with you in an easy and fun way. This will increase website conversion and will bring the kind of success you have always wanted.


We at GDI Solutions make sure to incorporate every use for you. Our website designs have everything that you need for creating a stunning website. Working with our experts gives you the creative edge you need for designing a fantastic website.